Saturday 21 August 2010

Les Croix de Bois (1931) battle scene

Wooden crosses. Reckoned by some to be the French 'All Quiet on the Western Front'. Imdb says
War, war in all its ugliness and yet humanity surviving it... The book, based on Roland Dorgeles life during the Great War is one of the best of its kind. Pathetic scenes, occasionally humour, mud and rats and schrapnell and the revolting odor of death.

This movie like the book has been made with guts and feelings. It aims at showing what was then believed to have been the "very last war of all times".

Verdun, thunder and lightnings, Hell. Difficult to match in horror but we are only in 1932 and the 3rd Reich will soon not be watching the same kind of cinema.

I have seen very old men crying in front of their TV screen watching "les croix de bois", watching their lives...40, 50, 60, 70 years before...


  1. For the US readers, Netflix has this movie. Thank you Ralph.

  2. These videos are mezmerizing...cant imagine being in that situation...very scary, but you have my attention.
