Tuesday 6 February 2024

Bavaria Miniatures news

 "I will be showing some of our upcoming new Bavarians for the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 within the next weeks - starting with some skirmishing Bavarian Light infantry armed with the most advanced Werder Rifle of the time. 

Expect many, many more sets! The miniatures will be first released via a Kickstarter and will then be available in our onlineshop soon after. 

Miniatures will be available as metal castings and as STL files for printing.

Sculpted as always by the very Lucas Luber."


  1. I have some from my Kickstarter pledge - they are lovely figures! Prefer them to the Perry figures - they are that good.

  2. That's good to hear. I have been posting about them without seeing them in the flesh. I have been going on photos.
