Sunday 14 July 2019

Event at Brecon Barracks - Sunday 21 July

One last reminder that King Goodwill of the Zulus is about to visit this country and that we're holding a cultural and historical pageant of welcome to His Majesty at Brecon Barracks next weekend. More particularly on Sunday 21 July. It's a grand public event, Admission is free and the gates open at 1.00 p.m.. The formal pageant begins at 3.20 p.m. There are stands and stalls and various pieces of entertainment laid on in advance of the pageant proper. We have three bands performing, two male voice choirs, a Zulu theatre group, plus the King's own regiment, who will perform some of the traditional dances and songs, a number of expert historians, including Ian Knight, the doyen of the history of the Anglo-Zulu War with more than 40 books on the subject to his credit, and, last but not least, some of the best living history re-enactors in the world, in the guise of A Coy 24th Foot. The re-enactors and the King's regiment will stage a re-enactment of the Battle of Isandlwana as one of the highlights of the pageant. Additionally there will be a march past by the Comrades Branches of the Royal Welsh (and possibly 1st the Queen's Dragoon Guards (Welsh Cavalry) too, so that our veteran soldiers can be appreciated and get a cheer too. The climax of the pageant will be a formal ceremony of Beating Retreat by the Bands and Drums of the Royal Welsh, with the Caldicot Male Voice Choir joining the Band and Drums for the National Anthems. I am biased of course, because I'm the Director of the pageant (!) but this is an event not to be missed if you can make it. The car parking is down by the Rugby Club, just across the canal bridge, a stone's throw from the Barracks. Please feel free to share. PS. It'll all be over by 17.35 p.m.

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