Wednesday 18 August 2010

Annuaire officiel de l'armee francaise

These yearly books on the French army are up on Google books. This is one for 1856 but other years are there. It might not suit you to see lists of officers and so on but there is some useful stuff there - here's what it says about the Foreign Legion
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Unifobm. Tunique en drap vert-clair, boulonnant droit sur la poitrine. Collet droit jonquille ; parements et passe - poils garance. Épaulletes écartâtes pour les grenadiers, jonquilles pour les voltigeurs, vertes avec tournantes écartâtes pour les compagnies du centre. Boutons jaunes. Schako couvert en drap vert-clair, avec pourtour supérieur en galon jonquille ; plaque en cuivre à aigle couronnée, au centre de laquelle est placé le numéro du régiment; jugulaires à écailles de cuivre.

1 comment:

  1. This is gold dust. These volumes of the Annuaire Officiel will be invaluable to anyone researching the army of the Second Empire. I had no idea that these had appeared on Google Books. Thank you so much for posting this link.

    You have picked a particularly interesting uniform description to quote as an example of what the Annuaire has to offer. In 1856, the Legion comprised two regiments. The First Regiment, whose uniform is described here, was recruited from Swiss nationals and was sometimes known as the “Swiss Legion”. Between 1856 and 1859, it wore the distinctive light green uniform described here. The Second Regiment, by contrast, had the usual multinational personnel and wore a uniform little different from that of French line infantry.
