Some excellent photos here of the first event of the season for the Crimean War reenactors down around the Black Sea region. Looking forward to seeing how this scene progresses - it looks excellent.
Thanks a lot for so warm recall about our reenactment events and especially about my photos from last year Alma and this year Evpatoria historical bivouac! :) It's very pleasant to see that Crimean War and its reenactment concerns someone else outside of Sevastopol and Crimea.
This week our group "3eme Regiment de Zouaves" is launching a web blog. And I hope soon we'll be able to translate it in English. So there will be much more photos and information about progresses in Crimea War reenactment.
I hope you and all people who interested in this theme will find there some useful and sipid information. Also I hope we can exchange our links.
If you want to ask something or just be in touch please feel free to send me email to
---- Sincerely yours, Lucy, vivandiere of 3eme Regiment de Zouaves, Crimea, Sevastopol.
Where do you guys get your uniforms and such? I am looking into purchasing a number of items but can't find any place that sells russian uniforms from the Crimean war
Dear Ralph!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for so warm recall about our reenactment events and especially about my photos from last year Alma and this year Evpatoria historical bivouac! :)
It's very pleasant to see that Crimean War and its reenactment concerns someone else outside of Sevastopol and Crimea.
This week our group "3eme Regiment de Zouaves" is launching a web blog. And I hope soon we'll be able to translate it in English. So there will be much more photos and information about progresses in Crimea War reenactment.
I hope you and all people who interested in this theme will find there some useful and sipid information. Also I hope we can exchange our links.
If you want to ask something or just be in touch please feel free to send me email to
Sincerely yours, Lucy, vivandiere of 3eme Regiment de Zouaves, Crimea, Sevastopol.
Where do you guys get your uniforms and such? I am looking into purchasing a number of items but can't find any place that sells russian uniforms from the Crimean war